Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 31st March 2023

The working week is coming to an end, but first work. That should keep me out of trouble.

For a brief period after lunch, the sun almost came out. After that, however, the heavens opened for a downpour of biblical proportions. The sky grew darker, and the rain did not stop, just varied in intensity. 

A nurse dropped by to check E's toe (the CM had come out and put a dressing on it earlier in the week after I contacted him as the carers noticed one of her toenails had almost completely come off and there was a small wound.  The risk of infection is high, so the CM came out.  The good news is that the toe is still OK, with no infection, but the nail will come off.  Just got to keep it clean - another nursing visit next week.

The best news of the day is that son #1 has finished his first essay. Yay!

I make dinner having finished reviewing the essay and removing some words.   

I sit down and eat dinner while watching MAFSA.  No one else joins me. They are both busy,

Son #1 has finished the final edits are in and the essay is now submitted with the cover sheet.

Somewhere in amongst the day's fun and games, I start packing for my trip to Liverpool tomorrow.

Bedtime now. Usual rules apply.

Bleach Lab / 'Indigo' / (Single)



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