Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 15th April 2023

A little later getting up than usual, but after that things fell into the usual pattern for a Saturday.

The morning was occupied with the usual chores which continued until lunch when stopped to eat and finish yesterday's HIGNFY and start another MAFSA episode.

Time to read the papers, I think.  The papers are now dealt with and so time to tackle 'Cyclops'.  A favourite phrase, so far, is 'as drunk as a boiled owl'. Superb, and there's always more, as the song says.

Unexpectedly the sun has poked its head around the clouds and the afternoon is sunny, if not exactly warm (unless in direct sunlight).  The washing is loving it.

I've now switched to packing for tomorrow's departure to Liverpool.  All my clothes for next week are now in the case.  For some reason the word case always reminds me of the Viz cartoon below. The image is of, course, copyright Viz. 

Although packing is fun, you can have too much of that sort of fun, and so this was the perfect time to have a call with my little sis.  We have a good catch up and she tells me she's off out to a local soul night tonight. I cannot resist making the obvious joke, but she does laugh, hopefully for the right reason. 😉 

Son #2 helps, and then takes over doing the dinner and we all sit down and eat finishing a MAFSA. Turns out son #2 has had a late evening call from friends and he's off out. 

In stark contrast, I'm off to bed after a chat with Q.

XTC / 'Mayor of Simpleton' / 'Oranges & Lemons'



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