Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 4th May 2023

Another day, another walk.  I'm always trying new things to see if I can change for the better.  I'm experimenting with a protein-based breakfast. Allegedly you feel fuller for longer and don't need to eat snacks, which are my downfall.  So far, the experiment is working.  I can happily wait until at least two in the afternoon before I feel the need to eat again, based on having breakfast between eight-thirty and nine. More news from the from the frontiers of science.  I am now mu own guinea pig. Squeaker to be installed at a later date.

On this day in 1939, James Joyce's most excellent novel, 'Finnegans Wake' was published. 

Work has been today's focus along with the (brief) return of son #3 to vote and the return of son #1, who also voted, but is staying.

There are plans under way for Sunday. Watch this space.

This week's Idler chat is with the 'natural navigator', Tristan Gooley. Tonight he'll be talking about trees. I'm wondering what's worse:  walking in the woods at night and bumping into a ghostie or a gooley? 

He's just published a book called 'How To Read A Tree' and tonight he gave an illustrated talk about trees.  It was far more interesting than I'd initially imagined, so much so that refrained from making the 'joke' above. At one point he had a photo of a tree up and asked what's the first thing we noticed and in the chat I posted 'the aircraft flying over at between 30 and 40,000 feet'. This was indeed true, but it was ignored. 

I got into a Gong chat with someone who was admiring my t-shirt.  There were a few exchanges and an album recommendation that I've never heard. We both professed a love of 'Flying Teapot'.

I stuck around for some of the after chat talk and spoke with Victoria (one of the hosts) and others, but had to leave to help make the dinner with son #1. The discussion of this was the cause of some mirth.

Son #1 and I ate our dinner whilst watching Frankie Boyle on the monarchy, which was both humorous and a reminder of the origins of the monarchy.

Cleared up after dinner and head for bed and all the usual things that entails.

Funkadelic / 'Jimmy's Got A Lot Of Bitch In Him' / 'Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On'



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