Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 21st May 2023

I'm feeling even better today, in fact the carers even remarked upon it, so it must be true.

I had a bit of a lie-in, but also had to be reasonably prompt getting up as my book case is due to be delivered between nine and one.

After breakfast I moved the piles of books onto the bed in preparation for the arrival of the book case which will (hopefully) house them all and maybe a few more besides. This is the first step in a much bigger operation which will see a large number books leave this house, one way or another.

The book case arrived around midday and son #3 helped me carry it upstairs.  Let the assembly begin.

The book case is now assembled and the shelves are all in place, but before I can load it, I need to go shopping for salad to have as part of lunch.

Son #3 and finished off making the lunch on my return.  I sat and ate mine whilst finishing watching the Brian Jones documentary, which was very good but also sad in equal measure.

I've loaded all the books and made a huge impact on the bedroom - no pile of books down the side of my bed, no pile of books at the foot of the bed. It's made a huge difference and I'm pleased with the results, not least because I can see all the books now. Let the cull begin (which must begin elsewhere, as apart from five books, all those here I will be keeping)!

After destroying the cardboard which the book case came in and relocating an item of furniture, I started on dinner.

Blah, blah, blah. The end.

WITCH / 'Avalanche Of Love' (ft. Sampa The Great) / 'Zengo'

[[This is the freshest new track I've heard in quite a while.  I hope the album is as good!  WITCH is an abbreviation for 'We Intend To Cause Havoc', which has to be one of the best band names too. I love it.]]


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