Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 1st May 2023

Mayday! Mayday! 

That's enough of that. Perhaps the weather will start to improve in line with the date.

Yesterday I contacted friends in the 'Caversham Critics' book club about attending this evening's meeting as my being down south coincides. I haven't read the book to be discussed tonight, but thought it would be good to catch up with old friends.  Fatal mistake.

Overnight I have been informed that son #2 and his gf are off to Paris tomorrow and potentially won't see his gf before she returns to Costa Rica. So, I apologise and cancel my attendance, and arrange a meal out with my son and his gf instead.

It's been a disrupted day which has meant that though I have spent time on most of the things I wanted to do, but finished none of them. I particularly wanted to finish 'Oxen of The Sun', but had trouble finding space to concentrate.

I watched more of 'Gonzo...' over lunch and made some progress in my efforts to restart a hobby that's been taking a back seat for a while now. If it should ever come to pass that I retire before I drop dead then that is something I'll be doing with some of my time. More to follow...

I've been pondering the weekend's dip in my mental well-being and it occurs to me the current situation with E is a major part of it.  I tend to take it for granted that the feelings and effects associated with that just exist and have no impact.  I need to be a bit kinder to myself and not just assume it has no effect, just because it's been going on for years. If anything the effect on me is probably cumulative, and I shouldn't assume it has zero impact just because it's become 'part of the furniture'.

We had a great meal at the local Turkish restaurant, though I think we ordered too much food. I had a good chance to talk with son #2 and his gf, something that doesn't happen often. We talked about family, Cuba, Spanish, working for an airline, plans for Paris and more. It was a fun evening and we should do it again, but with less food.

After returning we chatted some more and I stayed awake as I was so damn full.  Chatted with Q but stayed up as she headed for sleep.  I can't sleep without digesting this food a bit further.  Soy un cerdo.

Son #2 and his gf will be leaving around five tomorrow morning, so they also need to get some sleep and pack!

Finally I'm feeling normal again. This is my cue for sleep. 

Todd Rundgren / 'Tiny Demons' / 'Healing'



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