Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 30th April 2023

So much for that experiment.  No alarm. Woke up between  half-past six and seven anyway, but at least I didn't wake at five, or thereabouts.

You will be pleased to know (OK, you may not be, but I am) I am back to my normal sunny (?) self after yesterday's descent into the doldrums.  

I'm going for another change - having a protein-based breakfast rather than carbs.  Supposedly I should feel less hungry. We will see.

Late morning I had a call from a friend with an aircraft identification challenge.  Not only that but he had two friends from the gliding club to witness my downfall.  Nothing like a challenge to get the brain cell going. (The plane in question was the PZL M-15 Belphegor, a plane that's probably never been seen outside Poland, certainly not outside Eastern Europe. I'm sure some people would recognise it, but not many I'd wager.)

I've completed a wide range of exercises this morning, including over thirty minutes of brisk walking (before breakfast).

Son #2 and his gf are of to Brighton for the day, so I'll have the house to myself apart from the usual interruptions.

Amongst the chores and exercising I've found time to read the paper, progress 'Oxen of the Sun', and get fully up to date with MAFSA. "When two hyaenas attack a lion, the lion walks off".  There, you've heard it all.

I'm making risotto for one tonight and then I'm going to watch the last episode of series one of 'Blue Lights'.

'Blue Lights': What an ending.  I can't really say much in case you've not watched it yet. If you haven't, I urge you to watch it.

What to watch next? I remembered I had a documentary on Hunter S. Thompson I'd recorded off Sky Arts called, 'Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson'. I started it, but didn't have time to finish it. I'll do that tomorrow. Maybe.  It's been damn good so far.

Cleared up in the kitchen then headed for bed.  Chatted with Q. Well, to be honest, I chatted at Q at one point.  I started one of my non-stop monologues spanning a bunch of things from the day, barely taking a breath. Mid-monologue I suddenly realised what I was doing and I stopped. We both laughed. What am I like?  At least I didn't do my favourite thing of asking Q a question and then answering for her as well, as if I could read her mind (which I can't). At least I am aware of what I'm doing (sooner or later) and can stop myself. There is hope.

Jungle / 'Candle Flame (Ft. Erick The Architect)' / (Single)

[[I'm guessing the table is Erick's handiwork?  Or maybe the venue? After yesterday's bluesy number I've gone for something more upbeat and danceable. There's something about about this that's really addictive.]]


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