Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 20th May 2023

Feels like I'm getting better. At what, no one will ever know.

Usual Saturday crap, natch.  I have so much to do I don't know how I fit working in. Be that as it may, today is cliché day.  

It is a beautiful day, though. The sun is shining and I'm going to go and get my hair cut while I'm out shopping.  Hair today, gone in an hour or less, see you the other side.

Back. Chores. What fun.

Later I'm due to collect son #3 from his university accommodation for the last time,  another milestone and yet more change is in the air. (It wasn't me, officer.)

In amongst all the activities I've been watching a BBC2 documentary called 'The Stones and Brian Jones', which has been been captivating and a reminder of how talent (and life) can be squandered.  Read more about it in this Guardian piece. I will try and finish this today or tomorrow.

About to set off and collect son #3, his gf and - more to the point - all his stuff. 

Home with everything, now it's just got to be sorted. Let the fun begin.

All five of us ate curry together and watched a WILTY, before splitting for different wings of the mansion.

Usual stuff to bring the day to a close.

Deep Purple / 'Fireball' / 'Fireball'

[[One of the first 7" singles I bought.  Haven't listened to it in ages, but it still sounds good to me. The best 'Purple line-up. ]]


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