Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 28th May 2023

Off to Liverpool this morning, thus breakfast and packing are the order of the day.

I am largely packed now, with some of it in the hall ready to load into the car.  One of the carers said, 'you take more stuff than a woman'. Clearly this is a compliment and is partially the result of needing to take my 'Ulysses' stuff, ands also the base station scanner that I'm going to leave in Liverpool (I've especially programmed it for that part of the world).

I'm packed, I've said my goodbyes and I'm about to leave.

Now I'm in Liverpool, after a rather annoying journey. Why annoying? Well, it went like this.  About thirty minutes into the journey I realised I'd left my wallet behind, prompted by the thought of travelling by the toll road.  Annoyingly, before I'd left something was telling me to take a jacket I wouldn't normally take.  A jacket I'd worn yesterday when I went shopping.  A jacket that had my wallet in the right-hand pocket. The wallet I'd left behind. Damn.

Back to the journey.  I left the motorway at the next junction and returned home, where son #3 bought the wallet out to me and I retraced my steps, with even worse traffic than when I first traversed the route.

Overall the traffic was pretty bad, with roadworks and accidents adding an hour to the journey time, on top of the hour I'd added myself, even though I used the toll road.

I will have to disagree with Robert Louis Stevenson as arriving was better than travelling, hopefully, or otherwise, on this occasion.

Φ and Q made a wonderful Greek-style, souvlaki-inspired chicken dinner with salad, flatbread, tzatziki and chips.

Q and I watched 'FUBAR' starring Arnie on Netflix before heading for bed.

Supergrass / 'Pumping On Your Stereo' / 'Supergrass'



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