Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 11th May 2023

Over the hump and on we go.

A very early start so Q can go into town for a meeting and to give me time to review a document before work.

It's going to be a long day!

Halfway through the afternoon the weather dramatically changed.  First heavy rain, then hail and finally thunder. Not that frightening.

After my last call of the day, my access was suddenly revoked.  Perhaps the change in the weather was an omen.

Somehow Q managed to avoid being out in the rain, despite her travels, and had apparently just arrived back over the road when the heavens opened.

It's been quite a day and, in the end, decided not to go to The Idler tonight. Instead, we ordered some Chinese food and ate that, sat at the table chatting.

Watched the first couple of episodes of 'Colin From Accounts', which was very funny, followed by the last four acts on Eurovision.  Hell's teeth. How can you write a song referencing Edgar Allan Poe and manage to make it so dire? Nevertheless, Q voted for this Austrian (Shurely shome mishtake?) song whilst I voted for the Australian entry, as it was the least bad song (though I'd heard the German entry was interesting). Voyager are a real band (I think they've had some recent UK tour dates), so I will have to give them a listen if what they normally write is worth listening to.

I may have to write further about Eurovision at some point, as this is the first time I have engaged with it since I was a child.  The Ukraine and Liverpool angles make it worth more than usual, though most of the songs I've heard so far, well, I'm saying nothing for now.

After finding out who'd got through to the final,  I read Q one of my favourite Edgar Allan Poe poems, 'A Dream Within A Dream', in bed before reading this week's poem, by Robert Browning.

'Poe, Poe, Poe (ad nauseam)', FFS! EAP must be spinning in his grave.

Easy Star All-Stars / 'All The Young Dudes' (feat. Kirsty Rock) / 'Ziggy Stardub'

[[Easy Star All-Stars are at it again, covering yet another great album, this time from David Bowie.  As the eagle-eyed amongst you will know, 'All The Young Dudes' does not appear on the album 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars', though it was written (and produced) by Bowie.  He gave the song to the band Mott The Hoople after they rejected 'Suffragette City', which does of course feature on 'The Rise and Fall...'. David Bowie did go on to record his own version of 'All The Young Dudes', nicely closing the circle.]]


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