Lockdown Diary - Easter Monday (Monday 5th April 2021)

Got out of bed just as the first carer pulled up on the drive and shot downstairs to unlock the front door and let her in.  We chatted a bit, she did her tasks and then left, and, unusually, I decided to go back to bed.  It's cold, grey and there's no reason to be awake, though I'll never get back to sleep again.

Got up, showered, dressed and made breakfast just as the carers arrived for the main morning call.  I'm not sure how I'm going to spend the day but I have a feeling it'll not leave me satisfied.  Tonight is book club, so I guess I have to make it to there, then the perilous journey across the rocks to the safety of sleep.

Had a call with a friend mid-morning, which was a diversion, but it only served to remind me of the conversations I'm not having. Communication Breakdown (LB ZJ).

Made lunch with son #3 shortly after finishing meditating.  Read a bit of 'The Observer' while I ate my lunch and then I finished reading the previous issue of The Idler magazine. 

Time passes.

Son #2 and I work what recipes we'll make later in the week and I rush to update the shopping order as I'll probably not have a lot of time tomorrow because of my hospital visit.

Just about finish the order in time for book club at 7:30 which is rather low on numbers - just six of us - compared to recent gatherings. Everyone seems to have enjoyed 'Potiki' and it's had quite an impact on people. Good choice.  At the end we chose the next book (for June) which will be Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist'.  An interesting choice which I am intrigued to read. In the past I have dismissed it as 'new age drivel', but life has provided me with more than a few upsets which mean I've become much more open-minded (if you'd told my 30- or even 40-year old self I'd be meditating and doing yoga (amongst other things) I'd have said you were barking mad, but here we are) and unlikely to dismiss things based on prejudices born out of ignorance. So, we shall see.

After book club disperses I rejoin my sons who are watching a Louis Theroux documentary about that tiger bloke (I am restraining myself here).  It is interesting in a disturbing way but by the end of it I am resolved never to watch the Netflix series on the bloke as it would be supporting someone undeserving of attention, to put it mildly.  I am glad I have resisted watching it.

Tidy up, shutdown the PC and go to bed and immerse myself in sleep.

Beck / 'Morning' / 'Morning Phase'



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