Lockdown Diary - Good Friday (Friday 2nd April 2021)

It may be Good Friday, but it's actually going to be like any other Friday without work.  You can take it as read that all the usual things happened.  Nothing out of the ordinary.

At some point in the day I sat down and read a chunk more of 'Hawkwind: Days Of The Underground: Radical Escapism in the Age Of Paranoia'.  It only covers the hey-day of the band up until 1980's album 'Levitation' and I'm now in the final sections with only the period from late 1978 to 1980 left to read, which is about 100 pages.  I have so much I want to read that it would be good to finish it before starting the next book club book.

After reading, I briefly listened to some Hawkwind from the Hawklords to 'Levitation' period as it's a period I don't know that well as I was heavily into punk and new wave at the time and didn't listen to it.  Whenever I have heard any of it I haven't been that impressed either.  On listening to it now I've discovered that I like 'Levitation' but what I've heard from the Hawklords and 'PXR5' doesn't work for me.  Joe Banks suggests 'Psi Power' has a great chorus, but I have to say I hate it, which is a shame because the remaining lyrics and Robert Calvert's delivery are great. How to spoil a potentially good song with a lousy chorus. Discuss.

After the final carer call of the day son #2 and I go for a walk. It's noticeably colder than it was earlier.  When we return it's time to make dinner again - 'old' favourite meatball and black bean chilli again.

Dinner / 'Narcos: Mexico' / Sleep

A.A.Williams / 'If You Could Read My Mind' / 'Songs From Isolation'



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