Lockdown Diary - Saturday 17th April 2021

What to say in the ever-shrinking world that is my life? Well, it may be Saturday, but it might just as well be Monday for all the difference it makes.

There are days when I feel like I am a hamster in a wheel, except my wheel lets in no light, nothing except air and food.  I am struggling with motivation, yet even if I could summon up some motivation, I can't actually do much except read, watch TV, listen to music or just rest and contemplate life. Ho hum.

I have directed the boys, well actually almost entirely son #3, to do three wash loads of bed linen they'd generated.  Food shopping has been delivered with only two substitutions and nothing missing. All three sons helped a little with that.

I've been reading a fair bit, until I got bored of it. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but there's only so much of it I can do in a day, especially when it's what I've been doing most days for the past week, and will probably be most of what I'll be doing for the next.

Curry. Film night: son #1's choice and he chose 'Ronin' the thriller with Robert De Niro, Jean Reno and Jonathan Pryce, amongst others.  I've seen it before, but probably not sat down and watched it from beginning to end, so I quite enjoyed it and had forgotten most of the plot twists. A slightly relevant film with its references, indirectly, to the Good Friday agreement. I also especially enjoyed the shots of Nice, some of which I recognised from my visit back in 2019, in the days when such things were possible.

Oblivion beckons, and not a moment too soon.

Pixies / 'Dead' / 'Doolittle'

(This song picked itself as today is the anniversary of the release of the album back in 1989, the year I met my wife. The following October we saw them live at the Hammersmith Odeon, one of the best gigs of my life (so far))



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