Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 20th April 2021

One day really is like any other at the moment, being totally restricted in what I can do.  What I'll do today pretty much mirrors every other day.

It's sunny again, so I really must get outside, if only for a while. I'm sure a bit of sun aids recovery.

Sitting out in the back garden, I'm struck by the thought that it really needs a complete re-design.  I guess I'd simplify it by making more of it lawn, maybe re-invigorate the patio (decking?) and simplify the borders (as in 'slash and burn').  Investigation suggests this could cost between £5 and £10,000 which sounds ridiculous, but who knows. Guess I'll need to get a few quotes and maybe simplify my plans, or maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised?

There are so many things I've left unchanged because my mind is always focused on my wife's health and there seems to be little incentive or motivation to change anything.  Somehow I've got to kick myself up the arse and start changing things to suit me.  Maybe the garden isn't the first priority? Things have to start to change but I do find it so hard to find the enthusiasm to change anything, there's always a voice inside saying 'what's the point?'  I'm going to have to silence that voice, even if I'm still unsure what the point is.  Sometimes life just feels like I'm not part of it.

After yesterday's success listening to ADF, I thought I'd repeat the exercise with a different album. In the event I couldn't summon the enthusiasm.

Ate dinner whilst watching the second episode of 'The Serpent', which continues to intrigue.  The music is pretty cool mostly, too.

One bit of positive news just before going to bed: the murderer of George Floyd has been found guilty. Justice is finally served.


Harmonia & Eno '76 / 'Vamos Campaneros' / 'Tracks and Traces'



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