Lockdown Diary - Thursday 29th April 2021

I don't think I am going to have much to say about today.  It's looking like it will turn out to be a day on which very little happens. It's the lesser day to Joseph Heller's slightly more excitingly titled novel, 'Something Happens'

I finish writing a letter and post it.

I do some washing.

After lunch I go for my longest walk since my operation, a walk that lasts almost 30 minutes. No sign of the previous abdominal pain experienced after being upright that long, so it does seem like the hernia is repairing well, if not yet fully fixed and ready for serious exercise.

There is one downside, however: because I've not been getting the exercise I should have, especially post-operation, my left knee is complaining about the extra walking it's no longer used to.  Gonna have to walk a lot more to get all the moving parts fully operational again.

This evening marks the return of the Idler drinks with the start of its summer season being kicked off by Michael Palin as the first guest.  

Michael Palin turns out to be as witty and charming as he comes across on television.  He's zooming from his study at home in London and it is quite a study: a long wall with floor to ceiling bookshelves full of books and a raised area with a nice chair to sit back and relax and read. Most of the chat is about his travels, idling, and so on, but he also touches on comedy and the Pythons.  Some great laughs and a nice sideswipe at our venal, second-rate and hopeless PM. A great way to start the new season.

Time to make dinner with son #2: Chorizo, Chick Pea and Spinach stew.

Dinner made, we sit and watch the second episode of 'Line of Duty', which closes out with the revelation that came as no surprise, based on what has happened so far.

Funkadelic / 'Let's Make It Last' / 'Cosmic Slop'

[Aaah, Funkadelic! So many hip-hop and rap artists have sampled Funkadelic (and George Clinton's other band, Parliament) that they are one of the most heard but unknown bands, which is a real shame.  Their marriage of soul, funk and psychedelia is unmatched and the guitar players, especially Eddie Hazel and Garry Shider, could blow away most rock band guitar heroes.  This track is a George Clinton and Eddie Hazel composition, the guitar interplay down in the mix is magical]

[[I'm not sure about the legitimacy of this YT upload, so there is a chance that it may disappear.  There are other legitimate Funkadelic videos, but I really wanted to choose this track as it's been playing in my head for days]]



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