Lockdown Diary - Friday 23rd April 2021

Our cleaner wanted to switch days this week, so today is the day for my early start. I'm not that bothered as I have two other reasons to get up early:  I have to complete a covid swab test before 8 a.m. for a research project / survey I was invited to take part in - it's due to be picked up by courier any time after 8; I need a phone consultation with my GP and I've been told to start calling - it could be a long wait - from 7:55 a.m. onwards, with a drink to hand (I think the receptionist meant tea or coffee, rather than something stronger!)

When the first carer arrives at about 7:15 (cleaner got here at about ten to seven, FFS!) I have risen and shone, suitably buffed and polished ready to take on all comers.

Covid swab is done and in the fridge, as per instructions, and I'm hanging on the telephone (this is where Debbie Harry steps in).  No Debbie Harry as it turns out but, even more unexpectedly, I get through to a receptionist at bang on eight and have a phone appointment with 'our' GP scheduled for the morning. Shame I don't do the lottery.

After that cavalcade of non-stop excitement, it's downhill for the rest of the morning until our GP calls.  As usual she wants to suss out the lie of the land with regards my wife's health and mine, as I guess they are inextricably linked, and suggests I need longer to recover from the operation (signing me off until next Friday), is happy with my medication request but does say I'm overdue a blood test and blood pressure check as part of my overall medication review.  That's booked in for next week now. Boinnnnggg!

My mood is up and down like a rollercoaster, though it remains more down than up, as the day-to-day reality of life here takes its toll. Things have to change for me this year or I don't think there will be many more. Tightrope walking is not a full-time pursuit. Sooner or later you're gonna put one fatal foot wrong.

'Medical Grade Music' is helping keep me sane and the chapter today on Gong, Daevid Allen and how Kavus got invited first to join Gong, then to run with it, is heart-warming and inspiring, especially vis-à-vis the above.

I've been knocking up a trio of playlists that will eventually become CDs: originally it was to be two but one has spawned another sister one. Started off as one thing, then became another, and oddly the first one I planned has proven the most difficult to complete, mainly because I am way behind on listening to albums from 2021. I have such a large collection (oo-err missus!) that I am sometimes amazed at the breadth and depth of what I have.  I imagine if I played all the albums I have, one a day, for the rest of my life I'd be dead before I got the end (yep, I have thirteen)

Minor bit of good news: the second edition of MÜ Magazine is due out soon. Something else to read, as if I don't have enough.

Listened to one of the playlists to both enjoy the music but also to check the running order and how well the changes of tempo and style work.

Son #3 and I made the pork mince stir-fry together from scratch (no shop bought sauces mate!) then sat down and watched the fifth episode of 'The Serpent'.  I bet you can't guess what I did after that? I'll give you a clue: it makes you go blind (allegedly).  You guessed it, forgot to take my contact lenses out until late in the day, tsk tsk. Sleep next, obviously.

The Clash / 'Train in Vain (Stand By Me)' / 'London Calling'



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