Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 27th April 2021

A fairly standard start to the day, barring a trip to the local shopping centre to post some letters and pick up some medication.  Whilst there I thought I might as well buy a magazine, grab a bit of shopping and pick up a coffee. It would be rude not to.

I return home to the normal sequence of events for a Tuesday:  Flush my wife's catheter when the carers arrive for the lunch call; tidy stuff up; meditate, etc.

One change of plan: my call to a mate in Berlin has been postponed. He's unexpectedly been offered his first Astra-Zeneca covid vaccination at a time the directly clashes with our planned call.  AZ wins out, natürlich.

Continuing my theme of trying to get a walk in each day as part of my recovery process, I attempt to persuade one of my sons to join me: two are working and can't, the other CBA.  Instead I go on my own, again.  I am definitely feeling better for it and returning to work next week seems very realistic.

In the early evening I have call with a mate who retired from my employers about three years ago, and when he last worked was at the same client I was. It was good to catch up and I'm sure we'll do it again soon.

Son #2 largely made dinner as I cleared things away with me helping serve the dinner before we all gather to eat and watch the last episode of 'The Serpent'.  The writers managed to keep up the suspense until the end and then nicely closed it off with what happened to each of the real players who were named (as opposed to the victims, whose names had been changed) - it certainly left me with a desire to read the book again.

After a bit of clearing up it was time for bed, not before reminding the boys that the cleaner is coming a day early this week, namely tomorrow. 

Unexpectedly I have a late night phone call with a friend which brightened the day, though completely woke me up to the extent that it took hours to get to sleep afterwards.  I have to get up very early tomorrow, but you only live once!

Sophia Kennedy / 'Cat On My Tongue' / 'Monsters' (forthcoming release)

[[Not sure about the video...]]



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