Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 6th April 2021

Given how late I went to bed last night and the fact that sleep was partially ushered in by alcohol (finished a bottle of wine before, during and after book club) I somehow managed to get up early. Early enough that by the time first carer turned up at about 7:15, I was showered, dressed and ready for action, despite the fact that there's no action to be ready for.

Got the work laptop out and cranked up. starting work before 8 (the man has lost the plot), primarily because I'll lose at least an hour going to the hospital later this morning.

At around 9 I knock up some breakfast: the usual porridge and coffee (I'm still trying to leave at least 12 hours between the night before's meal and breakfast. One of these days we'll eat earlier. Was that pig floating past my window?

'Ten is the hour that was appointed me.' Gathered my stuff and jumped into the car 'Starsky and Hutch'-style (seems to be a false memory?), which is awkward if you don't open the window first.  Got to the hospital in plenty of time and then waited outside to be called in to provide another bottle of blood and a full covid swab test. 

Back from the hospital and back to work.  Can't seem to stop sneezing: I'm sure the nurse that took the swab stuck it further up my nose than the previous time. When she said 'tell me if I've hit your brain' I don't think she was joking. My sneezes are not popular round here, given their surprise nature and volume, but hopefully things will settle down by the evening.

I've finished work now and am putting the finishing touches to another letter.  Something to keep my mind on track.

Just looked out the window and it's snowing! (6:48 p.m.) 'April is the cruellest month...'

Started making the dinner and was joined by son #3 and together we prepped veg for a rustic ratatouille while the potato and meat roasted in the oven.

We ate dinner and watched another episode of 'Narcos: Mexico', then the usual sequence of events leading to sleep.

Pond / 'Sitting Up On Our Crane' / 'Man It Feels Like Space Again'



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