Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 17th February 2022

After a lousy night's sleep waking up with a bad headache, I've decided I can put it off no longer and am off to the GPs at 8 so I can get a phone consultation (at least) today.

Back having done a few extra jobs I don't want to leave until Friday, due to Eunice.


Just as I start work the Physician Associate calls, and after a detailed discussion of symptoms and events, she decides she need s to see me and so makes an appointment for later in the morning.  Given it's my bonce we're talking about, I would have suggested a face-to-face upfront if anyone would listen.

More work with a killing headache.

Off to the surgery. On the plus side she doesn't think I've got anything seriously wrong with my head, at least nothing I didn't already have.  Could be my sinuses, but she doubts it.  Could be an excess of painkillers, ironically. Or it could be stress. Am I suffering from stress? Where do I begin?????

Sooooo, nasal spray (just in case, but only for two weeks), aspirin (just in case, but only for one week, and only on a full stomach (happy to oblige!)) Just chill, maaaaaaaaaaaaannn! Chill! If only!

A very kind person, who shall remain nameless, but they know who they are, came to my rescue with regards to the meds and agreed to deliver them, along with my monthly supply in the evening.  This person has been wonderful to E and I (and son #1) ever since the pandemic began and I cannot thank them enough. One day I will find a way to return the favours.

More work, natch, though my brain feels like it's going to explode (very messy!) 

In the evening it's the Idler, with guest speaker Sarah Jaffe talking informatively about the subject of work. Afterwards a great chat with Idler rogues several of whom will be at the Idler festival in Hampstead (Fenton House) in July. It will indeed be biblical.

Dinner afterwards, made by son #2, despite the fact that our fanny oven is kaputt.  This fan is not for turning. Hot damn! (Or rather, not hot at all!)

Watched 'Screw' over dinner (it's about a prison, honest) and then retired to a safe distance, lit the blue touch paper and slept. Or at least that's the plan. No doubt I'll ne woken by Eunice.  I wish she'd leave me alone. I'm not interested.

Cathy Jain / 'Cool Kid' / (Single)



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