Tales From the Crypt - Friday 18th February 2022

Another night of interrupted sleep, but perhaps there's a glimmer of hope in that my head felt  slightly better. Instead, however, I was awoken by the early stirrings of Eunice.

I have no plans to go out until this evening when, Eunice permitting, I should be on my way south after work.

Work and Eunice dominate the day.  Around 10 a.m. Eunice really started to rage and by 11, or thereabouts, I found she'd moved the bench outside our house to the front door.  Given this was next to my car, I took the hint and dragged the bench into the garage.

Around midday I noticed that the over the road had lost its fence and the brick posts that it was attached to.  Eunice is reaching peak anger.

Sometime after lunch broadband went down, though so far the electricity has remained on, which I'm thankful for as I have washing on and drying in the drier. Yeah, I know, non-stop excitement here from dawn to dusk and beyond.

I've spoken to BT who tell me there's a major outage in the area, and, luckily after a bad start, the hybrid connect (which uses 4G) got enough of a signal to give us access to the internet again, just in time for a 4 p.m. work call.  During the work Teams call broadband came back on line, but not before BT dispatched to us a standalone 4G hub with unlimited minutes. Reckon that could come in quite handy!

What else happened today? Further kindness and help from a good friend which will see E's meds delivered tomorrow, assuming son #2 hears them knock.

Sadly Eunice has come between me and my trip south: we have agreed for several reasons that tonight's not a good night to travel.  Instead I'll head off early tomorrow morning.

I have a call with my little sister and catch up on her news.  She is having a hard time at the moment and I hope something good happens in her life soon. She deserves it.

Come the evening I inform son #2 of my change of plans and we decide to get a takeaway for dinner, essentially because neither of us can be arsed to cook. I opt for fish and chips with a garnish of mushy peas, it being Friday and all. 

Over some wine (Grillo, given you asked) I watch the apprentice again while son #2 spends time online with his gf (good job the broadband came back on!!!)

Off to bed in what has now become the customary way...please let my brain slow down/cool off.

DJ Python / 'Club Sentimiental Vol Three' / 'Club Sentimientos Vol 2'



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