Tales From The Crypt - Monday 7th February 2022

I have a few things to do today, but my plan is to have a relaxing day and finally catch-up on the weekend papers. Mind you, that has been my plan for the past two weeks and in each case it's not worked out as intended.

I don't know if it's because I've been spending so much time using screens for the past two years of working at home, but I have recently been noticing that I've been getting eye ache, especially in my right eye. It's been bad for the past few days, but I'm off to the optician on Wednesday for an eye test, so hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it then.

After the carers left the community matrons arrived to change the water in E's PEG and also give her the once over.  After that I went out and took a bunch of books to the charity shop, minus the whole bunch of computer books they won't take. 

Son # 2 and I made lunch and then I got some more minor jobs done. All this took longer than planned and just as I was about to settle down finally to read the papers, the pensions  guy rang and spent an age on the phone to me.  Consequently, when I started making the dinner, not one page of the papers had been looked at. Hot damn!

Fairly typical evening, eating dinner with son #2 while watching the most recent episode of 'Boba Fett'. 

Off for a chat, reading (at last), then sleep!

May-A / 'Apricots' / 'DON'T KISS UR FRIENDS' (EP)

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