Tales From the Crypt - St. Valentine's Day (Monday 14th February 2022)

Valentine's day this year is a little unusual for me, both because I have celebrated it early, but also because it is a reminder of how much love a heart (or whatever organ it resides in) can contain. Past, present and future.  It is an awful cliché, while at the same time being true, but there can never be too much.

I've all but dispensed with the idea of having a relaxing non-working day as every time I plan one, something occurs that prevents it happening.  Today I will be mostly organising things for my mother-in-law's funeral tomorrow, especially the words I am going to speak on behalf of E, my sons and I.

Somewhere in amongst all this we managed a Valentine's day celebration of sorts, with son #2 having organised a card and some presents on behalf of E.  As her communication has decreased over time, the whole thing has become more and more of a formality: it's kind of nice still, but it has lost something along the way and I do this more because we've always done so, and because stopping it would seem final. Who knows what is the right thing to do?

The stars and planets are aligning!
Son #2 and his gf are here for most of the day - she's heading back to uni this evening and son #1 is staying to join us for his grandma's funeral tomorrow.  It will be good to have the boys with me.

In the evening we eat tuna and watch the first episode of 'This Is Going To Hurt' which managed to be funny, scary and worrying in 45 minutes. What I did after that, I suspect you can guess, based on the past 375,000 posts...

The Blue Nile / 'Saturday Night' / 'Hats'

[[Given the day, this seemed most appropriate]]


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