Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 10th February 2022

For the first day this week I haven't had to go somewhere or do something first thing. I got up early because the cleaner arrived at sparrow's fart (what on earth do sparrows eat? Perhaps someone can worm it out of one?), as usual, followed by the arrival of the first carer.

After the carer left, I went for my first pre-work walk in quite a while, and afterwards felt pretty good, no doubt helped by the conversation I had as I walked.

Time to get down to work!

I've managed to order flowers for my mother-in-law's funeral next week as well as contact the celebrant about the words I will say, or at least my intention to speak at the funeral.

Idler again tonight (after missing last week's through other excitements) and the guest is Simon Fairlie. Simon is a very interesting character, a counterculture figure who has worked the land for years (and been editor of The Land magazine) and is someone who tries to live a sustainable lifestyle as a micro-dairy farmer and seller of scythes!  After a thought-provoking talk, some great chats with fellow Idlers and guest tofu balls (??)

After the Zoom call I made dinner and then watched yet more of 'The Apprentice' with the day ending as it so often does...

Pharoah Sanders / 'Astral Travelling' / 'Thembi'

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