Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 26th February 2022

I got bills, they're multiplying...but first shopping, washing and other chores before I start online banking (which is not, for the avoidance of doubt, rhyming slang!)

This weekend isn't going to follow the recent pattern, just shifted by 24 hours or so, all being well.

I stopped to make lunch for son #2 and I, though he's yet to emerge into the bright sunlight of a day in full flight. Is spring on its way?  Maybe some signs, though early mornings have been pretty cold the past couple of days.

Admin and chores done, it's time to read the papers whilst drinking a cup of coffee, the second of the day.

Did some more admin after finishing the papers, this time accompanied by songs from five albums released this year that I've finally got around to hearing.  Really like the new ones from Melt Yourself Down, Spoon, Big Thief and Mdou Moctar (come to think of it that's from last year!). I think all four of these will be joining my collection very soon. Not so taken with the new one from Rosalie Cunningham: it's had some good reviews but I'm not feeling it. Maybe needs a second listen?

Final carer call of the day marks a break from one mode to another and as I'm here tonight, it's curry night and I've been informed I'll be eating alone, I figure it's high time I had a music evening - there hasn't been one of these for quite a while.

I've taken a box of new albums along with four older ones, despite my best intentions, I'm feeling like some S/A?, Wire ('Chairs Missing' and '154') and Shack.

Wow! That was good. Cobwebs cleared. Some freeform movement and singing.  Saints preserve us!

Eating curry and watching the most recent 'Apprentice'. It really is impossible to eat and listen to music properly, so this stage of music listening has come to an end.

In a state of happiness whilst listening to music I posted a few songs that had especially hot the spot (there were many more) and some friends mistook my comments for a descent into darkness. The comments weren't intended that way, but thank you for caring. I appreciate it a lot.💗

Bed routine is also out of the ordinary too, and somehow I found myself listening to songs on my mega-playlist at random for a while. Clearly in need of musical sustenance.

Tomorrow is another day, it is alleged.

Leftfield / 'Little Fish' (Featuring Channy Leaneagh from Poliça) / 'Alternative Light Source'

[[I love it when the synths 'detune'! Play loud!]]


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