Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 8th February 2022

Relaxation is definitely not on the cards today as it's back to work, with a visit to the garage first thing for an important recall and, at last, the replacement of my front tyres.

Car dropped at the garage and back home and working.

Early afternoon I get a call from the garage to say that they can't do the tyres as somehow that request got missed off the job sheet! So, guess what, I have to go back to the garage tomorrow first thing, this time a while-you-wait appointment!

Arrangements for my mother-in-law's funeral are gradually solidifying, with details emerging.  One thing I have requested is that the funeral is live-streamed; this is primarily so I can show it to E after the event. Not sure what she'll make of it. Her reaction when I told her of her mum's death were hard to discern. Damn MS.

Made dinner with the help of son #2 then watched more of 'The Apprentice' on my own, before the usual closedown.

[I was just reminded of the beauty of the tunes on this album, and had to choose one of them...]

Neil Cowley / 'Circulation' / 'Hall Of Mirrors'

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