Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 1st February 2022

Back to work, with the usual consequences. The start of my day involved me trying to call my GP to get an appointment.  Unfortunately when I finally got through, after 30 minutes of calling, there were no appointments left for the day. Not only that, the earliest appointment I could book would be the 11th February. Next time I'll plan on being unwell two weeks in advance.  The receptionist's suggestion was that I come in in person tomorrow at 8 a.m., thereby bypassing the phone system. Duly noted.

Work dominates the day, so not much else to say.  Only two working days to go!

Repeated application of ibuprofen gel to the back of my head and neck seems to be finally ridding me of the pain caused by my foolish back-somersault last Wednesday. Ho hum 😒

I cooked dinner in the evening before watching a bit of TV and then retiring.

Baber / Wileman / 'Mondo Profondo 4' / 'Baber / Wileman'

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