Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 24th February 2022

Another day starts with a walk - I'm on a roll (brioche, if you're asking) this week, though the weather today is rather less pleasant than yesterday. I almost wasn't going to walk given it was raining (I don't want to mess my hair up) but K, the first carer of the day, convinced me it was only spitting (I said I was used to that!) and so out I went.

I probably should have queried the phrase 'only spitting' a little further as I don't think I'd describe it in those terms.  Unless I was surrounded by a herd of camels or llamas who I had especially offended. On a positive note, after I got back it started pissing down (I phrase I suspect we could all agree upon), so I was pleased to be inside (!)

Work takes centre stage, and once it had emerged from the wings, it refused to take the curtain until early evening.

No Idler drinks tonight as the scheduled one has been cancelled, so instead I do some exciting chores and start making dinner.

Son # 2 and I watched the final episode of 'Screw' over dinner. 'Screw' had an interesting ending, leaving room for a second series, I suspect.  My lips are sealed (Fun Boy Three & Bananarama...almost!)

Bed beckons and hopefully sleep won't be far behind.

Dean Blunt / 'Papi' / 'Redeemer'

[[Shades of 'Floyd?]]


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