Tales From The Crypt - Friday 25th February 2022

Wouldn't ya know it, I'm walking in the sun again, third day of walking in a row, though it's bloody cold this morning!  I got chills, they're multiplying. (Actually when the sun's directly upon me, it feels warm - the sun's getting closer!)

Work has moved in and won't be leaving until this evening, but once it leaves, it'll not return until Tuesday, which is something, I suppose.

I haven't really commented on the situation unfolding in the Ukraine, though it has been on my mind for a few days now.  It is obviously a complex geo-political problem which is perhaps more nuanced than the media would suggest. Nevertheless, I think it's pretty clear that invading another nation and unleashing your military upon another nation cannot be justified, except under the most extreme and rare of circumstances. Beyond that, this is not an appropriate place for comment.

The highlights of my day have been conversations with a friend, though no substitute for face to face conversations.

I make dinner before son #2 and I sit down to watch the first episode of 'Trigger Point', which I have already seen, but I think he'll enjoy it, so I'm happy to watch it again.

After that bed, a final, brief, conversation and, eventually, the sleep of the damned.

Sofie / 'Try To Reach Me' / 'Cult Survivor'



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