Lockdown Diary - Friday 14th May 2021

Began the day with my walk, then made a quick visit to the shops to pick up wine and pizza for tonight's outdoor meeting.  As it is a Friday I made a brief trip to the coffee shop for a coffee and a brief chat.

Then on with work...

The GP surgery has replied to me and confirmed that my second vaccination is booked for next Friday, just one day before the 12 weeks is up.  I'm not quite sure if that was the plan or if my chasing them prompted them to realise that if they hadn't done it then I'd be outside the 12 week window and have to start from scratch. I have to say I will be very glad to have had the second shot.


Son #1 has gone out for the day to Brighton with his gf, partly so she can get a haircut, though Brighton is also well worth a visit in its own right.

It appears that there is there nothing I can do to restart communications, so I guess I'd better look for joy elsewhere.

At around 6 p.m., just after the final carer call of the day,  a friend arrived to head off to another friend's house to sit outside eating pizza and drinking wine (not necessarily in that order!) This was my first outing with real people since lockdown restrictions were eased and it did feel a little strange. Nevertheless it was great to be out and conversation, wine and pizza flowed (OK, it's stretching the metaphor  a little to say that pizza flowed...) As the light faded bats were joining us and the temperature was definitely dropping, even with the heat from the chiminea (a word I learnt this very evening!) 

After walking home I said goodnight to the boys, did a bit of tidying and then went to bed to try and sleep. 

Sorry / 'Cigarette Packet' / 'Twixtustwain EP'



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