Lockdown Diary - Monday 17th May 2021

My Monday, again.  Not working on Mondays is something I should treasure and make the most of.  Once I restart yoga, some of Mondays will be devoted to that, however I have come to a decision: yoga will not stand in the way of me doing other things with Mondays.  It's very easy for things that you do regularly to become an impediment to doing something else instead. If I am to completely build myself a new life over the coming 12 months or so, I have to cast aside fixed habits, where they can be replaced with something better. There are other times for yoga during the week.

Against the brightness and optimism of a future, there lurks in the background the stygian shadow cast by the ever present black dog. It won't be banished. Not even by the apparent positivity of a planned future. Today, especially on Mondays, it makes its presence felt more strongly, for reasons that are to remain occulted. Some of the possible, though unlikely, futures would resolve this.

The darkest thoughts, too dark for this blog, though nevertheless written elsewhere to help keep them at bay, also kept at bay by distractions that occupy the mind. It often feels like everything comes down to a simple choice between two extremes. If not that, then not.

Over lunch I finished the documentary on Betty Davis and, whilst I did some knee exercises, watched a documentary about Terry Pratchett.

The weather today is what might might be described as inclement, in fact to be honest it's pissing down with rain.

This month's book club book is 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, which in theory at least, should be am easy read.  I must admit I am struggling with it, I don't know if it's the dog's fault, or just that I don't find it very interesting.  After a bit of effort this afternoon I'm not far off the half-way point, though every sentence I read I feel like someone is preaching at me.  There seems to always be an underlying tone of 'this is deeply significant, you must understand the meaning of this and change your life (or at least your approach to life) accordingly', and this attempt to ram some 'deeply significant' message down your throat I find bloody irritating. What is especially annoying is the message just seems to be 'follow your dreams' or some equally vacuous crap. Maybe it will get better.  I hope so, or I might end up being the grumpy old git at the next meeting.

Not in a great place early evening and so didn't manage to do anything much, other than watch the milliseconds become seconds, the seconds become minutes and so on.

Made dinner with son #2 and, unusually, only three of us ate together and so watched an episode of WILTY.

After that, well, I'm sure you can guess the rest...

The Coral / 'Mist On The River' / 'Coral Island'

[This is for the brighter lights just out of reach]



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