Lockdown Diary - Thursday 6th May 2021

A Thursday like any other working Thursday, starting with the arrival of the cleaner.  I managed to go for another 30 minute brisk walk before work which sets me up nicely for a day in front of the work PC.

Not much to say other than work, and lots of it.

In the evening it was time for the next Idler Drinks with tonight's guest being the actress and improvisor, Pippa Evans. Pippa is an advocate of using improv in all areas of your life, where appropriate, as a way of opening up possibilities. She demonstrated some interesting techniques that can easily be applied and that I will be trying myself, at the earliest opportunity. It was such a positive discussion that I made some decisions about changes I need to make in my life to open up new possibilities for me.

Son #1 has departed with friends for an overnight stay in the New Forest before heading off for a walk on the Isle of Wight tomorrow, which means there'll only be three for dinner tonight and we can't start watching another TV series. Instead we watch a brief bit of comedy before sons 2 an 3 depart to their bedrooms and I watch the end of the 'Studio 17' music documentary I started earlier in the week.

After that, sleep.

Jane Weaver / 'Heartlow' / 'Flock'



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