Lockdown Diary - Sunday 9th May 2021

Similar to yesterday, today is just a normal Sunday.  It does have one out of the ordinary feature: a school friend is dropping by this afternoon to go for a brief walk locally.

Still riding the rollercoaster, though more down than up.  There doesn't seem to be even the faintest glimmer of something positive.

Do the usual set of chores. Read today's paper.

Working on another compilation CD, this time of stuff from this year, with maybe the odd thing from 2020 thrown in, which will hopefully bring a little joy.

Mid-afternoon my friend arrived. We walked and chatted taking in a visit (outdoors, of course) to the local aviation museum: the sight of an airliner sat out in the open air came as a surprise to my friend, as I'd intended.  It was a good catch up which brightened my day.

Listened to some music before starting the dinner: cooking ray with capers, lemon and white wine. (Apologies to ray)

I cannot understand how so much effort can have so little reward, and it's not even confined to one avenue, bright lights just extinguished on so many fronts.

We all ate together and started watching the series 'Top Boy: Summerhouse'.  My sons keep choosing series about drugs and drug dealers / drug culture - should I be worried?

Celeste / 'Ideal Woman' / 'Not Your Muse' 



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