Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 25th May 2021

Back to work, but not before walking for 30 minutes or so.

I've accepted an invite to a wedding reception in July and an overnight stay at a hotel afterwards.  Will there be a plus one? Or a minus one, for that matter?

Do I change the title of the blog before 21st June? I'm starting to feel less locked down with plans for a pub visit tomorrow night, and a walk later in June. Maybe it's time then.  I still haven't made up my mind: 'Dead Souls' after the Gogol novel of the same name is appealing, but possibly a bit bleak, even if appropriate.  I'm drawn to something that is dark, but with an element of humour, though dark humour is preferred.

Work dominates

Much on my mind and something better lingers just long enough for it to cast a dark cloud over the day. That'll teach me.

Writing a letter to a friend, which will probably be the last, just about, for some time. The ball is no longer in my court. Just got to find something new, something better.

I've got a feeling this dark cloud will be here for a while. Not what I want but can't seem to find a way to change things, or influence them in a positive way.  The rose is withering?

I start dinner with son #2 and help with the vegetables, though he takes over, mostly, until serving time. It's Larry the Lamb, for what it's worth.

'Top Boy' then bed, chatting to someone crazy, who I hope to speak to tomorrow.  Flash, crash and burn?

Microdisney / '464' / 'In The World EP' (Amongst others)

[Struggling to find a song that captured the state of things - was going to go for 'Daikesei' live, but I've already used it since the diary began and we can't be repeating ourselves now can we? Now can we?? '464' surely has it nailed]



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