Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 11th May 2021

Started the day off with my (soon to be) regular thirty-plus minutes of brisk walking. When you're facing a day sat at the a PC, it's a good way to set yourself up, though I reckon another walk in the middle of the day would help.

Work for most of the day, so not much to say here.

Still scraping along the bottom and some things are really getting me down, even though they are things over which I have no control. My options are limited, if not non-existent.

Various chores done and organised the next step in getting to the bottom of whether or not the shower is leaking or more correctly, where / how it's leaking.  Decorating the shower room is on hold until I get to the bottom of this.

Nothing much else to say, not in the right state of mind.

Work. More of the same.

Started dinner on my own, but was joined by son #2. We all sat down together and watched the third episode of 'Top Boy: Summerhouse'

After that, the usual, until the end.

The Anchoress / 'Let It Hurt' / 'The Art of Losing' 



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