Lockdown Diary - Monday 10th May 2021

Back to Mondays being special again: I had planned to meet a friend for lunch, but they bailed so it's been a bitty day of chores and planning.

Went to the local shopping centre to pick up some recycling bags from the library and took this as an opportunity to grab some shopping and a coffee.

Usual rubbish, usual disconnects.

Letter, and associated, writing, no doubt to little or no effect other than just to keep communicating, but with little justification.

It looks like the shower is still leaking post complete re-seal, and I fear there may only be one solution - a completely new shower, tiles enclosure and all.

I had a chat with my younger sister this afternoon, which was good, though it was a mutual commiseration session mostly.  It seems we both have a tendency to make the same mistakes, guess it must be an upbringing thing.  Parenting casts a long shadow?

Something better change.

I'm still pondering what this blog's gonna be called, post-lockdown? At the moment I'm favouring, 'Oi! That's my lettuce!' in lieu of anything better. Clearly, there must be something better!

Been playing around with the tracks on the compilation CD I'm working on: it has a wicked opening couple of tracks, but after that the sequencing is pretty fluid, apart from the track that'll be last.

Went for a walk with son #2 early evening, in order to get my distance up - hoping to exceed the required amount across the week this time, weather and knee permitting.

Cooked dinner with son #3 and then we all watched the second episode of 'Top Boy: Summerhouse'. Whatever else the series brings, I will certainly have learnt some new slang by the end of it!

To sleep: perchance to dream...

Goat Girl / 'Anxiety Feels' / 'On All Fours' 



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