Lockdown Diary - Sunday 23rd May 2021

Quiet start to what looks like being a quiet Sunday. Weather is as lovely as it's been all week, i.e. not.

There's washing to do - when isn't there? Other chores too, plus the papers to read - never read any yesterday though a combination of lack of time and lack of motivation.

Over lunch I watched some of the excellent BBC4 Arena documentary about Delia Derbyshire titled, 'Delia Derbyshire: The Myths and Legendary Tapes'.  She was an extraordinary women and pioneer of electronic music both while working through the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, where she most famously created the Doctor Who theme tune, and also through commercial recordings most notably the seminal album 'An Electric Storm' by White Noise. This was a great docu-drama featuring music created and manipulated from the lost tapes by Cosey Fanni Tutti, featuring interviews with some of the key figures involved.  Well worth watching!

Late afternoon I had a phone call with my younger sister during which we chatted about the joys of internet dating. 

The delivery has been made, just bunged through the letterbox, allegedly. I hope so.

Roasting some Haddock tonight with various vegetables. We eat it whilst watching another episode of 'Top Boy'.

After that out on the town, clubbing until dawn/yawn. 

Wolf Alice / 'Beautifully Unconventional' / 'Visions Of A Life'



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