Lockdown Diary - Saturday 29th May 2021

Usual start to Saturday: shopping with son #1 followed by breakfast. The descent into the mundane (hell) continues with washing times three. Son #3 is going round a friend's house to watch the Champions League final with some mates this evening. I can think of better ways to spend an evening, but we can't all like the same things. Thankfully.

The weather has picked up and the sun is out: whatever next?

I am trying to keep my mind off something, but let's just say that's easier said than done. Only a lobotomy or the other thing would be able to do that. Bright day, dark clouds.

Make things change.

Booked three nights in the Portmeirion Hotel later this year, though not as soon as I wanted. Just me. Going to book somewhere else sooner, just need to decide where. Where do I want to go? Somewhere I've never been before or somewhere I've been to, but not for years? Everywhere you go, there you are. There is no escape.

Read the papers. Not much of interest.

Brought the washing in and sorted it just before the final carer call of the day.

After son #3 was picked up to go and watch the football I decided to try and listen to some music.  Had to be my playlist on random as my mind's not up to choosing anything, barely listening either though I'm hoping I can be engulfed by sound.

Despite son #3 being missing we're going to watch a film and son #1 has chosen the David Cronenberg film 'Scanners' which I've not seen in years.

I enjoyed the film, despite the gory bits, though I guess the conspiracy plot line is a well-trodden path these days. 

You know the rest.

Oneohtrix Point Never / 'I Don't Love Me Anymore' / 'Magic Oneohtrix Point Never'



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