Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 1st August 2021

Son #3's up even earlier than me today - he's off up to London to meet his gf for a pre-birthday celebration and I'm due to go for a walk and birthday lunch with a friend near Theale, a place I've not revisited since the school reunion in 2016. 

Son #3's already gone before I finish getting ready and the carer's arrive before I've finished as well, though it's not long before I'm fully up.

A message confirms the time and location for the walk meetup: car park of the Fox and Hounds pub in Theale at 11:00.  I've got a bunch of stuff to get done before then, as I'll have to leave around 30 minutes earlier to get there in time.

Great walk, pub lunch and company: it was slightly odd meeting my friend as a friend only, as the previous times we've met have been on dates. I seem to acquiring new female friends, but none with whom there is that elusive spark of something more.  To be fair, in this instance the friend-zoning is mutual for a whole host of reasons that I don't feel like expanding upon here.  We were accompanied on the walk by her two dogs, so we had one apiece, which she's had since before the break-up of her marriage. I mention that because one of the many unexplained mysteries of dating is why so many women acquire dogs after separation or divorce.  There isn't room in my life for a pet and if I'm being honest much as I like animals, I've never fully understood the appeal of having one as a pet. We've had cats and other pets and the cats were cool, but they were my wife's more than mine. Another whole slew of shizz that I'm not going explore here, certainly not today, at least.

Though we walked over 3 miles around the lakes and long the canal, my brisk walking time is still a minute shy of 30, so I'm going to have to go out again and walk here.  Son #1 has agreed to join me and we'll go for a walk after the final carer call of the day.

Post-walk, my younger sister messaged me asking if I was free for a call, which I am, so that's next.  We have a long chat and catch up on things which has one unforeseen negative consequence:  bit of a cock-up on the catering front (!) as tonight's dinner takes well over an hour to cook and no one else seemed interested whilst I was on the phone, with the result that we'll have to order a takeaway if we want to have dinner before about 9:30 p.m. So, Turkish it is then...

…and the day comes to a close

The Amazing / 'Ambulance' / 'Ambulance'



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