Tales From The Crypt - Monday 27th September 2021

I awake to the sound of heavy rain: it's dark, I'm still feeling tired and decide to lie-in until 7 a.m. - I take a calculated gamble that the first carer of the day will arrive around then; she worked at the weekend and it's a lousy day, so I reckon she'll have got up later and come here first.

My hunch is correct and she arrives at 7-ish and I get up and answer the door to her.  We joke about my guess and she's says 'you know me too well!' 

The yoga teacher has gone away to Morocco for three weeks, so there's no in-person class today. Instead she's recorded three videos - one for each week.  It means I can practice at my leisure and at a time that suits me, which means today's practice will be after the lunchtime carers have been. 

I had to drive to post something so on my way back I checked out a filling station and, as I approached I thought, 'hey! I'm in luck, no queues, maybe people have finally filled their cars, baths and ponds with fuel', but sadly that was a short-lived thought. The reason it was quiet was that there was no fuel, only food. What a stupid thought.

Yoga now done and mid-session I got a message from one of the carers telling me where there was fuel.  I thought 'Sod this!' I'm not interrupting my yoga to get fuel, so I carried on until the class was complete.  Nevertheless, I did then go out an get fuel.  I must admit I felt immensely guilty, however I have to drive to Portsmouth and then North Wales this weekend, and I didn't have enough to get to Portsmouth and back, never mind North Wales.  I'm hoping that the people of North Wales aren't behaving as stupidly as we seem to be down south, otherwise I may have to learn Welsh. Anyway, I'm digging a hole in my back garden this weekend to install my own storage tank and bunker for the Christmas period when Boris Johnson manages to transform the UK into 'The Road', but with the added advantage of Sovereignty, which we'll be having instead of Turkey for dinner this year.

After lunch, which son #2 made while I was out filling my pockets with fuel (man, do I stink, but it was worth it - just don't smoke near me), I finally managed to control my restlessness for long enough to read the weekend papers. I need to keep an eye on the restlessness and lack of concentration as it may be a sign that the new medication is not doing the job. I've not been on the full dose for a week yet, even, so it's a bit early to be crying wolf.

Papers are read and something that manages to hold my interest is a Halloween playlist I'm working on. It's strange, I'm not finding it easy to settle and listen to music, but I can research and investigate things. Maybe the searching and sampling satisfies the restless urge?

I start making dinner, since the chicken takes an hour and as I'm making it, son #2 informs me he'll be watching a film over the net with his gf, so I watch some more of the 'Rolling Stone' documentary series.  One of the episodes features a lot of footage of Hunter S. Thompson which I've not seen before and this is an unexpected bonus.

After that bed and sleep. My first night without Mirtazapine: let's see how it goes!

Lana Del Ray / 'Gods & Monsters' / 'Born To Die'



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