Tales From the Crypt - Sunday 19th September 2021
I had intended today to be entirely devoted to the art of chilling, but in the event son #3's packing for his return to university tomorrow combined with a need to learn a presentation for work by Tuesday put paid to that, mostly. I did manage to find the time to read the papers from yesterday and today. The Guardian contained some ominous news in the form of a plan to combine the three supplements into a single one, imaginatively called 'Saturday'. The paper hails it as something wonderful, but quite clearly it's all about cost saving, and the loss of the separate 'Review' supplement dedicated to book reviews etc is bound to be a negative thing. I very much doubt the new 'Saturday' supplement will devote as much space / content to books, but I guess we'll have to wait until next Saturday to find out.
Consequently, I'll probably not have a huge amount more to say, unless something comes up.
Originally I planned to listen to music in the evening but when the time came I'd lost the will, I guess I'm entering a slightly negative cycle again. Maybe when I've got this presentation to the Architecture Board out of the way and assuming my certification is approved, I can start shifting my focus to some more positive things I need to get done, like get my medical done for flying.
In the evening the three of us meet again around the cauldron and eat some rather wonderful Halibut whilst watching 'Vigil'.
Lingua Ignota / 'Woe To All (On the Day of My Wrath)' / 'All Bitches Die'
[[Something rather darker than the songs of late: this is from Kristen Hayter aka Lingua Ignota: if you want to hear her 'normal' singing voice skip forward to 5 min 20 seconds or so, though I don't think the second part works without the first. Crazy mf!]]
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