Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 11th September 2021

A quieter Saturday compared to last weekend: my objectives are to get all the chores done (especially washing) and then chill.  I have last weekend's papers to read on top of those from today and you may be wondering why would I read last weekend's papers? Simple: I mainly read the arts sections (books, films, music, TV, plus a few other areas as the fancy or interest takes me) and therefore the fact that it's a week old makes not a jot of difference.

You'll also be really interested to hear that I've decided to do the white wash as well today, so that tomorrow can be as dedicated to relaxation as it possibly can be. Give or take a few tasks I may still have to undertake, like cutting the grass.

An email arrives with tickets for next Saturday's gig, Jethro Tull, which is a surprise as I didn't remember I'd bought two!  The gig was already a challenge as I have to move son #1 into Birmingham Uni that day, so it may be a mad dash across the country to get back in time. The main casualty is likely to be food as I probably won't have time to eat a meal other than breakfast and, hopefully, a quick lunch. I could do with losing some weight!

Finished reading everything I want to out of the papers, which I count as a small result, and means I can get on with emails and Messenger messages I need to reply to. When someone writes you a half page message, it's hard to reply briefly, as it would seem rude to just say 'OK. That's good.'

I have to send an email to the Aeromedical Examiner (AME) with some final questions and also get in touch with a friend who's in a similar boat (shouldn't that be aeroplane?) to me and would like to know what I've found out.  The latter will be a two-stage process: telling him I've found out some things that will need his email address; writing the email to tell him what I've discovered, once I have his address.

I'm going to be taking son #1 and his gf to the station soon but am going to squeeze in my second walk of the day accompanied by son #2, before that.

Walk done. Switch to taxi mode. Off to the station we go!

In my role as taxi driver I must, true to part, engage in conversation during which I discover that son #1's gf starts uni tomorrow, moving into accommodation in Camberwell, home of the legendary carrot.

Son #1 and I chat on the way back, about this and that, before I return and pour a well-earned glass of wine.

Movie night again: son #3's turn and we watch the second instalment in the 'Fear Street' trilogy, this one being set in 1978.  The final part, goes all historical on us and takes us back to the origin of the unleashed evil and is, with a nod to the devil, set in 1666. After the problems I had with the first instalment, the second part was much better and the trailer for the third looks like it might be the best.

The end.

Arlo Parks / 'Portra 400' / 'Collapsed In Rainbows'

[[Yes, I know, it is the third track I've posted off the album, but it is a damn fine album, and this is one of my favourite tracks. Not only that it's also on a compilation CD I'm sequencing for a friend, blah blah blah! The lyrics on many of the songs capture something that I can relate to, so it's fading in and out of my thoughts along with other choons of the moment]]



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