Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 5th June 2023

A busy day ahead with much to get done and a plan for this evening too.

First off there are a bunch of chores to catch up on, including washing.

Mid-morning son #3 and I headed to a car wash, with a plan to go to the shops after that.

Back at last!  That was the longest wait at the car-wash in quite a while. Son #3 and I had a few laughs at some people's antics, which helped the time pass.  Food shopping is dull but done. I wonder what we've forgotten? The sun came out whilst we were out, so at least all the washing should get dry. How's that for excitement.

After watching more of the Kurt Vonnegut documentary over lunch, I finally got around to 'Ulysses', finishing 'Ithaca' and beginning the final episode, 'Penelope', aka 'Molly Bloom's soliloquy, with a plan to finish it before Wednesday.

I had dinner early as I'm off out to book club for the first time in ages.  I haven't read the book, so it'll be a purely social occasion for me.

Great evening out with the book club. Some really interesting discussion about the book, even though I'd not read it.  It was just good to catch up with some long-standing members as well as a lot of new ones.  I will go again soon, it just depends where I am!

Home for a chat with Q before reading more of 'Penelope'.

Harvey Mandel / 'Last Walk' / 'Who's Calling'

[[Never heard of this guy until very recently, but he is a helluva guitar player!]]


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