Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 17th June 2023

A fairly bog-standard Saturday lies ahead. It's a little different because of the upcoming events of Sunday and Monday. More on that, when/if they happen.

Apart from the usual chores the main feature of my day was watching the King's birthday flypast.  Watching it on ADS-B, listening to it and most surprisingly seeing some of it.  Post-flypast we were treated to the unusual sight of RAF fast jets overflying us very low.  Initially a pair of Typhoons (I'm guessing the ones that flanked the P-8 Poseidon) followed by around seven to nine Typhoons that had been part of the formation which were the letters 'CR' in the sky.  I managed to get some photos of the second set of Typhoons, nothing brilliant, but a memory if nowt else.

As part of this peculiar behaviour I also worked out how to control my new scanner such that it logs and records all that it captures, with timestamps and frequencies/tags. Of no interest to most, but my boat is kept afloat.

Spent a chunk of the rest of the afternoon packing, then starting to read the papers.

A quiet evening heralding the return of son #3 from the considerably-less-than-frozen north and dinner, with TV and sleep to follow.  I finished the excellent Kurt Vonnegut documentary before dinner or was it after?  One of the two, definitely.

Wire / 'Mannequin' / 'Pink Flag'



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