Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 11th June 2023

Lazy start to the day, after an interrupted night.  The alarm was set for eight-fifteen anyway, but I think I didn't get out of bed until nearer half-past. What a devil!

Sparked by a reminder of my mum's birthday next weekend, I went into a state of reflection about my life so far. I think I had some deep thoughts about what has happened, bad decisions, good decisions and my approach to life (in the past at least), but I'm still processing it. These thoughts may appear here, probably won't. If only I could transfer my thoughts directly here and then edit, before releasing. 

I'm planning a lazy day with some minor chores and catching up with people. Let's see how that turns out. 

Wa**ing to start off with.  After that I need to sit and read the papers to chill.

Made lunch for myself as no one else has surfaced, yet. I'm going to return to the papers before getting a couple of minor admin chores out of the way. 

I called my big sis for a chat mid-afternoon, so we could share what was going on.  This turned into a long chat about having a very large book collection and the challenges that it poses.  We both had come to the same conclusion that we had more books still to read than we have time to read before we're likely to kick the bucket.  

Exchanged a few belated messages with friends and attempted to call another friend, but only got her answerphone.

Chatting with Q, who has been very busy today sorting stuff and taking it to the tip, to a charity shop and selling things on FB marketplace I am inspired to act.  After our call the great book cull of 2023 (number 1) began. I don't want all these books looking at me saying, "you won't have read us before you die".  Be gone, foul harbingers of doom.

I made dinner, then we watched another 'HIGNFY' before heading to bed to be lightly poached.

(P.S. For the avoidance of doubt, wa**ing, is a reference to the dreaded washing.)

Sparks / 'Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is' / 'The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte'

[[Sparks!  This is such a fun song with great lyrics. As if one had a choice!!]]


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