Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 1st June 2023

Reckon this is gonna be a brief entry. Primarily, as usual, a working day with a few added variations.

It's been a really busy working day, with a particularly full-on afternoon of meetings. 

This week's poem is 'Taid's Grave' by Gillian Clarke ('Taid' being Welsh for Grandfather), which is intriguing in its use of language and imagery.

Rain on lilac leaves. In the dusk 
they show me the grave, 
a casket of stars underfoot, 
his name there, and his language.

Voice of thrushes in rain.
My cousin Gwynfor eases me 
into the green cave.
Wet hands of lilac

touch my wrist and the secret 
unfreckled underside of my arm 
daring fingers to count 
five warm blue eggs.

The use of language is oddly sensual and there is much to fathom. It's good.

Q returned home and chilled before we had steak for dinner, then chilled out watching another episode of 'FUBAR'.  It is a load of cliché-ridden cobblers and I wouldn't recommend it.  Sadly I feel I must watch the series to its end.  If there is a second series (why?), I won't be watching it.  It's completely FUBARed. 

Holger Czukay / 'Cool In The Pool' / 'Movies'

[[The plan was to have the new song by Janelle Monae, called 'Lipstick Lover', but apparently the video is age-restricted, so I can't easily link to it. After much searching, I ended up here!]]


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