Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 25th June 2023

Sunday arrives all too soon.   It's been quite a week, but now it's time to pack up and head south.

Whilst I pack, Q makes breakfast for me, because she is wonderful.

According to Google the journey will take around three-and-a-half hours if I leave now.  Not too bad, if it works out.

We've said our goodbyes and I'm off.

I'm back now after another magical mystery tour (minus the magic), there having been multiple detours and a very early departure from the motorway through the Oxfordshire countryside.  Nice views. Bloody slow. In the end, the journey took an extra hour, but in the grand scheme of life what does it matter.  There are bigger fish which need to be fried. Battered first.

I'm feeling lazy after the drive, so I'm planning on watching some of Glasto on iPlayer and chilling, and suggest ordering a takeaway. and that is how I find myself watching Warpaint and Charlotte Adigéry with Bolis Pupul whilst eating an Honest Burger.  No one wants to be lied to by a burger, after all. It tasted really good and I put that down to it's lack of mendacity.

Lots more Glasto to watch, but I need sleep, so that urge wins.

Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul / 'Ceci n'est pas un cliché' / 'Topical Dancer'



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