Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 15th June 2023

Another (working) day, another walk. The heat! The flies!

I'm hoping I can write more than I did yesterday, though frankly don't hold your breath.

E always finds the heat difficult as it worsens her symptoms, and tires her out more.  She has been coughing more too, which makes her even more tired, so it's a vicious circle.  There are things one thinks that are difficult to see in print.

I'm off out for a curry with an old school friend tonight. We've not seen each other for a few months, so I guess there'll be a lot to catch up on.

Great evening with lots of laughter and fun conversation, with some amazing tales of South London, history and family catch ups.  

We weren't out that late (I have to be up at six tomorrow), but by the time I got home Q was asleep. Everyone feels more tired in this weather if they aren't sleeping well.

I did some clearing up, took the recycling out with son #1, chatted and then ascended heavenwards (a little).

Talking Heads / 'Take Me To The River' / 'More Songs About Buildings And Food'



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