Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 3rd July 2023

Late last night I remembered I had a hospital appointment this morning, and had to get transport sorted etc.  After imagining a very chilled day ahead, I realised this would not be the case.  Typical.

Back from a reasonably successful check-up, just ahead of the early lunchtime carer call.  I have to make a quick trip to the shops, then return to do the last of the office reorg tidying, will be time to chill.

There are big changes in the air...

I do not belieeeeeeeeeve it!  It's almost time to start making the dinner and I've only just finished (more or less) the office reorg (excluding the stuff I need to sell).  Ain't gonna be no time for no chill tonight, baby.

Usual stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah. Work tomorrow. 

Doves / 'Black and White Town' / 'Some Cities'



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