Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 6th July 2023

Another busy start, and thus no walk. Again.  This is not good.

Work will be busy today, more than usual because I have tomorrow off. As a direct consequence, I probably won't have much to say here.

It's a busy day generally around the house, partly because son #2 and his gf are off to Vienna tomorrow and I will heading up to the big smoke for the Idler Festival.

This week's poem is 'Symphony In Yellow' by Oscar Wilde, and it goes like this:

An omnibus across the bridge
Crawls like a yellow butterfly
And, here and there, a passer-by
Shows like a little restless midge.

Big barges full of yellow hay
Are moored against the shadowy wharf,
And, like a yellow silken scarf,
The thick fog hangs along the quay.

The yellow leaves begin to fade
And flutter from the Temple elms,
And at my feet the pale green Thames
Lies like a rod of rippled jade.

I generally like Oscar Wilde's writing, however this doesn't totally hot the spot for me, even though there is some excellent imagery.

Late afternoon, during work, son #3 informed me there was water pouring through the kitchen ceiling.  Oh, what fun. The shower is leaking.  Not even six months old.  The plumber is returning tomorrow to see if he can fix it. I fear the outflow is disconnected. FFS!

Late dinner of burgers made by son #2 and his gf.  Chatted to Q about the arrangements for tomorrow. A plan has emerged, considerably different to the previous one, and also much better.

Hawkwind / 'Hassan I Sabbah' / 'Quark, Strangeness and Charm'



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