Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 22nd July 2023

An 'old-style' usual Saturday, no travelling,  just chores 'n shit.  I would prefer to be away or travelling to/from, but there's a lot of things happening here for me and up north for Q.

I'm back from shopping and have had a chat with Q.  I was excited to tell her that I've reached a new decision about my car, one that provides us with future flexibility and decouples sorting out a car for the short-term from any other big decisions.

Son #3's birthday is imminent, so I've been organising presents and plans for that week. Herding cats or boiling the ocean? (Emphatically NOT boiling cats)

I owe several friends replies to recent exchanges we've had and we're still trying to find a way to visit Nice and Berlin this year, hampered by our usual challenges.

As a break from the above, I spent a bit of time watching a programme about Paul Weller at the BBC, which ranged from The Jam, through to his solo career, via The Style Council.  Some performances I've never seen which added to the enjoyment.

I sat down with E for a while and talk 'at' her about what's going in the boys lives, son #3's graduation, their gfs, her brother, my state of happiness (very broadly) and also, and maybe most importantly, about her quality of life, how she feels (all still one-way) and suggesting that she'd done a great job of being a mother/parent and that if this was the pinnacle of what she'd achieved, it was damn good.  I want her to understand that if she's suffering, as we believe she is, she doesn't need to endure it for anyone else's sake.  One of the toughest conversations I've had with E, and not the last, I'm sure.

The evening was taken up with more tidying, making dinner and watching another episode of 'The Change'. 

Son #2 and his gf are off to the airport early tomorrow morning to met the gf's cousin and then they spend some days sightseeing in London before going to Rome and Amsterdam, probably.  That's the life.

Cigarettes After Sex /  'Pistol'  / (Single)



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