Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 2nd July 2023

A late-ish start (late for me, at least) which coincided with a call with Q, who is also still in bed.

I'm planning for a very busy day, with the hope that I can get the majority of the stuff that must be done completed, allowing me to have a chilled Monday. That's the goal!

Spent most of the morning sorting stuff to take to the tip, aided by son #3. Once we've had lunch, we'll be off to the tip with all the crap we've sorted.  The vast majority of what we've sorted are cables for devices we don't have or don't use, and some the said devices. Stuff you accumulate - once it's out of sight, and all that.

Back from a successful trip to the tip and I'm going to have a coffee before tackling the front and back gardens. Strimming, mowing and hedge-trimming. The excitement never ends.  I'm not a fan of gardening, in fact, as I was telling one of the carers, I believe that gardening is a form of torture devised  by Satan.  It's the strongest evidence for his existence, assuming he is a he, which he may not be, though in some of the stories...

Surveying the scene of my endeavours (indoors), there is still a little more to be sorted, though it's mainly a case of finding it a home.  That will probably have to wait for tomorrow, mainly due to a bad case of CBA.  The biggest of these jobs will be filing.  That'll teach me to let it pile up.

Time to make dinner.  More 'Black Ops'.  Sleep awaits.

Queens Of The Stone / 'Song For The Dead' / 'Songs For The Deaf'

[[The Glasto performance of this blew me away, and so here it is. Live it was even more breakneck.]]


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